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1. Can my broken windshield be repaired or do I need to replace it?

The National Glass Association recommends that any windshield damage be fixed as soon as possible. Most 'dings' or 'chips' can be repaired if the damage is not in the driver's line of vision and is smaller than the size of dime, . If the break is larger or in the drivers line of vision, replacement is recommend. Trust your new windshield installation to Maple Auto Glass, the Surrey auto glass specialists.

2. Does my windshield really protect me?

Yes. Your windshield was designed as the number one safety restraint system in your vehicle. Auto manufacturers say your windshield provides up to 60 percent of the roof crush protection in a rollover accident. It also provides the backstop support for your passenger-side airbag in a front-end collision. If your windshield pops out in a collision or rollover, you could be ejected or crushed.

3. How long will it take to replace my windshield?

That depends on the make and model of your vehicle. Because of the complexity of some vehicles, it could take as long as 3 hours but most vehicles require about an hour to properly install the windshield. Auto manufacturers recommend a full cut-out method when replacing a windshield. This method takes a little longer than what has been popular with most technicians in the past. As with most things worth having, quality takes time.

4. How soon can I drive my car after my glass is replaced?

This will depend on the type of urethane adhesive used. to install the glass in your vehicle. Because most automotive grade urethane's rely on temperature and humidity to cure, the time required varies widely depending on the manufacturer. This time frame can range from 3 hours up to 24 hours. WE use a high viscosity fast cure urethane,and 3 hours is a safe drive away time. It is extremely important that the technician replacing your windshield inform you of the safe drive away time for the urethane used.

5. How soon can I wash my vehicle?

It is recommended that you wait at least 3 days before washing your vehicle. There are 2 reasons for this. First, the high pressure from automatic car washes can damage the seal and outer moldings’ before the urethane has a chance to cure sufficiently. Secondly, it's important to leave at least one of the windows open at least an inch to reduce the pressurization in the vehicle when the doors are shut. This prevents the pressure inside the cabin from blowing a hole in the urethane seal, causing an air or water leak. Water on the windshield is not the concern. In fact, if it should rain, don't fear. The moisture actually helps the curing process of the urethane sealant.

Copyright 2012:  Maple Auto Glass.  Surrey Auto Glass.   All rights reserved.

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